The Thermo Scientific Orion combination pH electrode contains a silver/silver chloride reference that is widely used because of its accuracy and broad temperature range.
General purpose pH for accurate Q.C. and research work.
• pH range: 0 to 14
• Temperature range: 0° to 90°C
• Type reference: Ag/AgCl
• pH precision: 0.02
• Junction: Ceramic
• Dimensions: 120 x 12 mm
• Cap diameter: 16 mm
Includes: 60 ml bottle of Orion filling solution, 246-23953
Storage Conditions: Short Term Storage (up to one week)
Soak the electrode in pH electrode storage solution, Cat. No. 246-24526.
Long Term Storage (more than one week)
Fill the reference chamber and securely cover the fill hole. Cover the sensing bulb and reference junction with the protective cap, sleeve or storage bottle containing a few drops of storage solution. Before returning the electrode to use, prepare it as a new electrode.
†U.S. Sales Only
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