The arium® RO Modules consist of two independent membranes whose design guarantees easy installation and reliable operation. Each of the two modules contain a low-energy reverse osmosis membrane in a polypropylene housing. The housing has connections for feed water, permeate (product water) and concentrate (waste water). The RO Modules typically enable high recovery rates. This optimize the water consumption while still retaining at least up to 98% of the ions. Thanks to the backflush with permeate, particles and salts are removed from the surface of the membrane. This results in a longer service life and lower system maintenance costs. In addition, this backflush function on restarting the system allows for the immediate dispensing of high quality water. Intended for use with arium® comfort II and arium® advance EDI.
• RO membranes material: Low-energy membrane made of polyamide
• Housing material: Polypropylene (PP)
• Weight 0.468 kg
• Diameter 7.8 cm
• Height 30.8 cm
Product Water Quality:
• Water type: Type 2 pure water
• Production output††: 5 L/h or 10 L/h
• Water dispensing flow rate††††: < 3 L/min.
• Typical conductivity†: 0.2 – 0.07 S/cm compensated to 25°C
• Typical resistivity†: 5 to 15 M x cm compensated to 25°C
• Typical TOC reduction†††: 95%
• Microorganism content†: < 1 CFU/1,000 mL
• Particle content††: < 1/mL
• Particle and microorganism retention: > 99%
† When using an arium® SterilePlus (Sartopore® 2 150, 0.2 m pore size)
†† Depending on the feed water pressure, temperature, and condition of the RO module(s)
††† Depends on the type of organic contamination in the feed water
†††† Depending on the arium® bagtank design, hydrostatic pressure, and connected accessories or end filter
Image(s) are representative of the product group and not necessarily the individual product.