Encodes brassinosteroid (BR) signalling protein that accumulates in the nucleus as dephosphorylated form in response to BRs. Is phosphorylated by the BIN2 GSK3 kinase. It synergistically interacts with BIM1 to bind to E box sequences (CANNTG). The protein contains a nuclear localization signal (NLS), followed by a highly conserved amino-terminal domain (N) shared by all family members, a BIN2 phosphorylation domain (P), a PEST motif, involved in protein degradation in the absence of BR, and a carboxyl-terminal domain. BES1 can interact with the ELF6 and REF6 Jumonji N/C-domain containing proteins and may direct them to modify histone methylation upstream of some brassinosteroid responsive-genes. Works with BRAVO to regulate QC division in the root.