Extra-large LCD digits are 21/8 inches high to provide perfect visibility up to 35 feet away. Time can be shown in AM/PM or 24-hour time. Temperature displays degrees C or F to 0.5° (23 to 122°F and -5 to 50°C). Calendar shows month, date, and day of the week. Clocks quartz-crystal timing accuracy is 0.01%. Clock has a stylish, two-tone colour face and a slim silhouette.
An individually-numbered Traceable Certificate provided with each unit, assures accuracy from an ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (1750.01) calibration laboratory accredited by A2LA. It indicates traceability of measurements to the SI units through NIST or other recognized national measurement institutes (NMI) that are signatories to the CIPM Mutual Recognition Agreement.
• No. of channels/zones: 1
• Timing capacity: 12/24 hour clock
• Timing accuracy: 0.01%
• Timing resolution: 1 minute
• Temperature range: -5 to 50°C (23 to 122°F)
• LCD digit size: 21/8 in.
• Dimensions: 91/4 x 10 in.
• Weight: 19 ounces
• A/C plug: No
• Supplied with Traceable Certificate, wall-mount, and battery (replacement battery, Cat. No. 350-20158)
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