DWK Life Sciences (Wheaton) Snap Vial 12x32mm Polypropylene 300uL BULK


DWK Life Sciences (Wheaton) Snap Vial 12x32mm Polypropylene 300uL BULK

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 5 in


Product Size

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Manufacturer Part No

SKU: 929-10433-081 Category:


MicroLiter, a WHEATON Brand, offers proven autosampler vials and consumables for the chromatographer. Meeting the requirements of customers demands, MicroLiter offers cleaned vials designed to allow more reliable transfer of samples from the prep lab to the autosampler. MicroLiters SnapCap and SnapTins™ offer convenience and ease of use for high-throughput labs or those using less volatile samples. SnapTins were designed specifically for systems that use magnets for vial transport. Available in standard 12×32 format in clear and amber USP Type I borosilicate glass or polypropylene. All MicroLiter Vials are cleaned and repackaged in a certified Class 10,000 clean room†, thus eliminating particulate contamination that occurs in standard post-production packaging and delivery.

Certified Clean Vials are Essential to Your Results
All vials may appear to be created equal, but quality and performance make the difference when analyzing vital samples. MicroLiter vials are cleaned and packaged in a certified Class 10,000 clean room according to a designed process, developed to eliminate chromatographic errors associated with vials. Critical physical dimensions are fully tested, as well as chemical cleanliness testing to ensure that trace levels of residues are not present. The result of this process are identical, clean, dependable vials, certified to ensure optimal performance and reproducible results.

†Except Silanized Vials
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