Dynalon Sterilin 10 mL Disposable Sterile Polystyrene Serological Pipets with Suction, 333 mm, Single Wrap


Dynalon Sterilin 10 mL Disposable Sterile Polystyrene Serological Pipets with Suction, 333 mm, Single Wrap

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 5 in


Product Size

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Manufacturer Part No

SKU: 196-19214-UE Category:


Crystal grade polystyrene is used for consistency in manufacture and maximum clarity, with easy to read crisp black printed graduations enabling the pipettes to be used accurately to +/-1%. Sterility is guaranteed by gamma radiation at a license holding irradiation plant, which follows the relevant recommendations in the DHSS Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice for Sterile Medical Devices and Surgical Products. Sterilin pipettes are tested for pyrogencity, and have a pyrogen level of less than 0.25 EU/mL.

• Sterility guaranteed by gamma irradiation
• Excellent accuracy, better than +/-/- 1%
• Crystal grade polystyrene for improved clarity
• Easy-open color-coded tear strips
• Ascending and descending graduations for accurate pipetting
• Drawn tips allow every drop to drain freely

†Note: Image shows pipets with suction adapter.

Dynalon Sterilin 5 mL Disposable Sterile Polystyrene Serological Pipets with Suction, 298 mm, Single Wrap
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