Interface Modules for connection of Cubis series balances. Scales in the Cubis series have at least two data interface ports that are used to output measurement values, calculated values and parameter settings to printers, PCs or checkweighing displays. These interfaces can also be used to enter control commands (e.g. key confirmations via a foot switch) or alphanumeric inputs (e.g. via a
barcode scanner).
This Sartorius radio interface enables wireless data communication between a Sartorius scale and a remote device. The interface is powered by Bluetooth wireless technology. The remote device can be a Sartorius printer, like the YDP10BT-0CE (Spectrum Cat. No. 646-10714), or a PC. This feature makes conventional data connection cables between two data interfaces (RS-232) superfluous.
Connections Options:
• 646-10711: Verifiable data printer (RS232/25-pin)
• 646-10714: Verifiable data printer with Bluetooth data transmission (Bluetooth)
• 446-27661: 3-segment display, Red – Green – Red, for plusminus weighing, including T connector (RS232/25-pin)
• 646-10669: Extra display, LCD, number size 13 mm, backlit (RS232/25-pin, RS232/9-pin+PS2)
• 446-28534: Infrared sensor for touchless function triggering (e.g. draft shield control) (RS232/25-pin)
• 446-27640: Hand switch for printing, taring, or to use function keys; Selection via menu, including T connector (RS232/25-pin)
• 446-27634: Foot switch for printing, taring, or to use function keys; selection via menu, including T connector (RS232/25-pin)
• 446-27649: Foot switch, including T connector; for all ME models and SE2 (RS232/25-pin)
Additional connection options for interfacing to optional Sartorius ports:
• PC/Laptop (via Sartorius accessory cable) (RS232/25-pin, RS232/9-pin+PS2, Bluetooth)
• PC keyboard to PS2 port (RS232/9-pin+PS2)
Image(s) are representative of the product group and not necessarily the individual product.