These peristaltic pumps are ideal for pumping & dosing reproducibility and accuracy.
Accurate dosing is particularly important in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic or food sector. Comprehensible process conditions are a prerequisite for the safe conveyance of sensitive media.
In addition, an optional foot switch allows the pump to be operated in closed exhaust hoods. The parameters – speed, direction of rotation and on/off function – can be controlled externally either through the analog or digital interface.
Depending on the focus of the process, the following parameters can be set on the device: Speed, tubing diameter, flow rate display, metering volume, interval dosing and break times. The pump can be calibrated for optimum dosing results.
• Control speed, direction and on/off function via analog interface or digital RS 232 interface
• Control accuracy of 0.5%
• Individual calibration of flow volume and flow rate
• Pump operates clockwise or counterclockwise at a push of a button
• Digital read out of speed, tubing diameter, flow rate in mL/min, dosing volume, interval dosing and pause function
• Model can be connected to an optional foot pedal remote control via cable to start and stop your pump drive outside a closed fume hood. Foot switch enables dosing by foot pressure, allowing hands to remain free to perform other work, for example, to hold the tubing and the vessel
Hei-FLOW Ultimate 120 Peristaltic Pump
• Choose between a single-channel or multichannel pump head.
• Flow rate of 0.38 – 813 mL/min with single-channel pump head
• Suitable for multi-channel operation with pump head adaptor
• Flow rate of 0.005 – 364 mL/min with multi-channel pump head
• Low speed range from 5 – 120rpm
Hei-FLOW Ultimate 600 Peristaltic Pump
• Designed for only single-channel pump head
• Flow rate of 2.0 – 4,056 mL/min with single-channel pump head
• High speed range from 24 – 600rpm
Image(s) are representative of the product group and not necessarily the individual product.