Owl Centipede Wide Format System 23.5 x 14 cm


Owl Centipede Wide Format System 23.5 x 14 cm

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 5 in


Product Size

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Manufacturer Part No

SKU: 730-97111-E1 Category:


Gel Size: 23 cm (W) x 14 cm (L)
Footprint: 27 cm (W) x 30 cm (L) x 11 cm (H)
Running Buffer Volume: 800 ml
The Owl horizontal model D3-14 wide gel system offers a simple, convenient and fast method for screening multiple samples on a single agarose gel. Ideal for screening PCR samples, plasmid preps, restriction mapping and cloning. 25 to 200 samples can be run simultaneously on one gel; producing clear, tight banding patterns with no smiling.
This system incorporates Owls EasyCast casting design with an external caster. The UVT gel tray is fitted with a gasket which allows the tray to fit snugly into the external gel caster to provide a leak proof seal without tape. Sample loading is greatly enhanced using micro well pipet format combs (and a multichannel pipet) engineered specifically for use with this system. Using these combs and a multichannel pipet, samples may be loaded directly from a 96-well plate, 8 or 12 at a time. Sample loading with a multichannel pipet speeds up transfer and reduces the chance of sample order error. The unique electrode placement allows this gel to be run quickly without compromising the resolution.

System Includes:
• Buffer chamber
• SuperSafe lid with attached power supply leads
• EasyCast gasketed U.V. transmissible (UVT) gel tray
• External gel caster
• 4 combs: 50 well, 1.5 mm thick
• Bubble level
†U.S. and Canada Sales Only
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