Thermo Scientific Nalgene Polypropylene Volumetric Flask, 50 ML


Thermo Scientific Nalgene Polypropylene Volumetric Flask, 50 ML

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 5 in


Product Size

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Manufacturer Part No

SKU: 967-13414-368 Category:


With polypropylene screw closures. Gravimetrically calibrated individually TC/TD (To Contain/To Deliver) at 20°C. Guaranteed to meet the Class B accuracy requirements of ASTM E288 and ISO Standard 384. Printing is durable and will not wear off. Oval marking spot. No meniscus to confuse readings. Catalog No. 967-13420 has an additional line at 203 ml level for BOD and DO determinations. Autoclavable.
†U.S. and Canada Sales Only
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